28 May Trip to NYC & Camera Search
Hello Friends! How was your Memorial Day weekend?
If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you saw my weekend was spent in New York City! One of my brothers graduated from law school, and his graduation just happened to coincide with a conference for my husband, so we both got to be there. It has been quite awhile since we traveled anywhere together so it was really nice to enjoy the city and some time away. (although before we left, I had a moment of reminding myself “why are we doing this again?” – it took me nearly a week to get four kids ready for our time away!)
Besides spending time with family, the highlight of the trip was getting to catch the Broadway musical, and winner of several Tony Awards, Once.
You guys, it. was. amazing. Have any of you seen it? It is a very “out of the box” musical – in fact, the cast is performing on the stage before the show even begins, and then, bam!, the show starts. It is fantastic. All of the music is played on the stage by the performers.

The hauntingly beautiful title song of the show, Falling Slowly”, may be one you recognize.

I was surprised to find out there is a movie adaptation of Once – is it something I need to check out? The show was absolutely mesmerizing – I am still thinking about it! The Beacon Theater, where the show is playing, was gorgeous, too! Built in 1929, and recently renovated to restore it to its original beauty, it is breathtaking.

msg entertainment

msg entertainment
Of course, another highlight of the trip was the delicious food. Here is me, my man, my parents, and one of my brothers and his wife at The Standard Grill in Manhattan.
The food was scrumptiously delicious, but I, of course, was loving the ambiance, architectural details, and creative style elements.
Like this herringbone tile barrel ceiling. I mean…wow!
Penny tile floor! Literally.
We had a terrific time, and I am already missing my New-York-soon-to-be-Califormia part of the family. But the great thing about a little trip is that it is a bit like a reset button. Does anyone else feel that way? I have sort of a renewed energy. We missed the kids like crazy so I am happy to be back with them too, and to start our summer.
Although the trip was great, I was missing something – a camera. You see, right before I left, I was taking photos of the kids outside gardening, and I set the camera down. Where, I have no idea. I cannot find it for the life of me. The super sad thing is there were some really special pictures on it I had not downloaded yet. Boo.
But I have been wanting/needing to upgrade to a DSLR camera so here comes the Nikon/Canon debate. What do you think? Have you had one or both? What do your prefer and why?
**Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @astoriedstyle**
Posted at 08:05h, 28 MayOnce, the movie, is wonderful! But the story I the two artist who wrote and performed the main song is even more wonderful. They won an academy award for the song and performed it on the awards show. Touching performance!
As for camera…I’m in the market too, so would love to hear what everyone suggests!
Posted at 09:10h, 29 MayAlex, okay I’m sold! Looks like this needs to be my next laundry folding viewing choice. 🙂 Thanks for the comment, G
Posted at 08:10h, 28 MayHi Grace,
I’ve heard the Once play was amazing, but I’ve only ever seen the movie. The movie is fantastic and I love to listen to the soundtrack. I definitely recommend watching the movie, since that’s what the play is based off of.
I love your blog and style, btw!
Posted at 09:11h, 29 MayTrisha, oooo, the soundtrack! I bet it is good! Thanks for the tip, off to itunes. 😉
Thank you so much for reading and your kind comment. So glad you are here! G
Posted at 08:20h, 28 MayI love musicals! Haven’t heard of this one but I’m glad it is now on my radar!
I just bought my first DSLR and I got a Canon (the T3i). I absolutely love it. It’s very user friendly!
Posted at 09:12h, 29 MayTiffany, you should totally check it out, it is AWESOME! Everyone is raving about the movie!
Thanks for the rec. I’m checking out that one! xoxo, G
Posted at 15:47h, 28 MayHIGHLY recommend the Sony NEX. I switched from a Cannon Rebel and am so happy. I use a Tamron lens with it when I want a good zoom.
Posted at 09:13h, 29 MayCourtney, thanks for throwing me this curveball! I love going outside of the box – I’m going to check this out! Thanks so much for reading and commenting, G
Posted at 23:18h, 28 MayThe Canon T3i (Rebel) is a great intro DSLR, but if you aren’t used to shooting with Canon or Nikon, it’s probably a matter of personal preference which brand you find easier to navigate. The folks at Fort Worth Camera on 6th are an awesome resource to walk you through the differences. If you are still learning about photography techniques, there are lots of great tutorials for both Canon and Nikon out there (check out Clickin Moms and I Heart Faces websites).
Posted at 09:14h, 29 MayHeather, thank you so much for your info-filled comment! I’m going to go to FW Camera and check them out to see which one I like the feel of, etc. Bookmarked the sites you recommended, too. 🙂 Thanks again! G
Posted at 06:29h, 29 MayOnce is such an amazing movie and Glen Hansard is one of my very favorite musicians. This musical has been on my radar, and I would love to see it in my very favorite city NYC. So happy you were able to enjoy it, and congrats to your brother!
Posted at 09:15h, 29 MayEmily, thank you so much! You should go see it, it was awesome. 🙂 G