08 Aug On the Road…
Dear Readers,
Thank you so much for all of the comments and emails and overall support for my family and I during this time. (and yes, as you can tell from the last post, my husband is kind of a stud, albeit a tad snarky) I will be honest, this has been much more difficult than I imagined. Mostly due to the fact that going under anesthesia has apparently left me with some brutal, crippling migraines. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you with all of the details, but I’m definitely getting stronger, and I go for my one week check up today. I did want to let you know I will be back tomorrow with a full fledge post detailing a makeover from my own home – from closet to laundry room. Okay, actually from closet to laundry room closet. But still, it looks way better. I will also be doing an AWESOME giveaway – you won’t want to miss it!
Again, thank you for bearing with me. I truly cannot wait to be back up on my feet. Being down and feeling terrible really gives you a new appreciation for the little things – cooking dinner, playing hide and seek in the backyard, reading to your kids, running errands – I’m excited to get back to it all. Well, for the most part. (wink)
See you here tomorrow.
Emily Clark
Posted at 07:22h, 08 AugustI hate to hear that you’ve had such a hard recovery. I can only imagine how crazy that would make my type A, busy self! Hang in there! Hope you feel better soon.
Posted at 12:56h, 08 AugustSweet Emily, thank you so much. And yes, you are so right, it is super hard! How often do I think about how I wish I could multiply time, and then, when I can actually lay on a couch, I feel so terrible I can’t do anything? Oh the irony. Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂 G
Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door
Posted at 07:31h, 08 AugustI’m so sorry to hear the road to recovery has been a bit more bumpy than planned. Take care of your self and I hope you feel better very soon!
Posted at 12:56h, 08 AugustThanks so much, Elizabeth!
Posted at 09:07h, 08 AugustI hope you feel much better very soon!
Posted at 12:56h, 08 AugustI so appreciate the kind words, Cathy!
CJ Harris
Posted at 09:14h, 08 AugustHi Grace,
There is a Proverb in the Bible that says, “A merry heart does good like a medicine.” I believe you have a “merry heart” and you will recover soon. That is my prayer for you Grace.
Bless you,
Posted at 13:00h, 08 AugustOh CJ, how sweet! I do have a merry heart, and I am well aware of the many reasons I have to have one! Being laid up and unable to contribute has deeply reminded me of all I have. I feel like I do a good job most of the time being thankful for my life, and showing it, but being on a couch has really helped me reflect on what an amazing gift I have in my husband and children. How it is a privilege to be part of their lives and take care of them. I’m so humbly grateful. Thank you again for the kind comment. G
Mommy Chic blog
Posted at 22:09h, 12 AugustAre you a real person??? 😉 You (and your husband!!) are such unbelievably kind and genuine people and if I didn’t know (at least one of) you, I would think you were a fictional character in a feel-good ABC Family movie. lol. All your readers are very glad that you are real though!
I’m just reading all of your recent posts and I hope you have a speedy recovery. If only or the sake of your whites. *wink*
Feel better!!! xx
Posted at 22:46h, 12 AugustMommy Chic, HA! This made me laugh out loud, thank you for that! Well, all I have to say to that is that I fully realize I hit the mega jackpot when it came to marriage. And minus poop and diapers and dirty laundry and a house that is never really clean for longer than a few minutes and “long days” every now and then, it is kind of like an ABC Family movie around here. 😉
Posted at 10:41h, 08 AugustContinue to take good care of yourself and heal!
Sounds like today is a better day : )
Posted at 13:01h, 08 AugustEmily, yes! Today I have felt much better than I have in the last week. Typically, my migraine eases up about one in the afternoon and then is back again by 7. It has been much lighter today, fingers crossed! Thanks for the encouragement. 🙂 G
Posted at 10:58h, 09 AugustBaby steps… we’ll be glad to see you back, but no sooner than you’re really ready, please 🙂
Posted at 20:08h, 17 AugustI hope you’re feeling better and better as the days go by. Give your body time to rest and heal. Thinking of you.
Posted at 19:26h, 19 AugustHope you feel better soon! We miss you!