18 Sep Fall and the Front Door
Fall is here technically, though in Texas, that means we’ve made it down to about 80 degrees everyday. Which is fine by me as I loathe cold weather! Nevertheless, there is a freshness Fall brings that I love. It’s almost like I forget every year, and then it comes – the smell of the air, the hint of crispness, the dusting off of the crockpot, the feel of a warm coffee cup in cool air – and I remember how special this season feels.
It has been raining and cool, ahem cool-er, so I am getting in the mood. I’ve started to ponder buying pumpkins and gourds and shuffling four kids all over town to find the best prices on them. Ha! I am getting excited, and after searching for inspiration, I thought I would share them with you.
Love the white pumpkins here against the orange mums, and the pumpkin-esque lanterns. I bet those look pretty at night!
I really like how the cabbage plant and pumpkins look together.
Simple and pretty wreaths.
The vine pumpkins mixed in with the real ones looks nice, and I like the big lanterns with candles, too. The rather large black birds throw me off a little. They are a little menacing, yes?
I had to include a monogrammed pumpkin.
This is a pretty design. I’m really liking the pumpkin arrangements mixed with plants!
I see these old wooden ladders at estate sales all the time and wonder what I would do with them. This is a cute use for it!
If you have a narrow entrance to your home, the wheat on either side of the door is a terrific idea to bring in some decor!
I like the use of hay here, but I might have left out the scarecrow.
What I am loving most of all after my inspiration hunt are pumpkin topiaries!
This pic is my fav.
All images via Pinterest.
Stay tuned for my front porch reveal!
Have you decorated for Fall yet? What are your favorite Fall decorating tips or ideas?
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