15 Jul DIY Tutorial: Watercolor Paint
Something you may not know about me is that I used to be teacher, a teacher of the Deaf. I taught children ranging in age from pre-K to high school for a few years, and then I became a language therapist working with families of hearing impaired babies ages 0-3 in their homes. I loved my students and families and still remember them fondly – I often sign things in my head when I am talking, it just comes naturally after awhile. Teaching the Deaf is a very visual and expressive experience, so I think my love of color and styling really helped with that.
While I was going through some old boxes recently, I found some of my teaching materials and this paint recipe, and it inspired the theme for my Home Depot Challenge this year. I knew my kids would really enjoy making the paint and mixing the colors. I took advantage of this project to teach them about the color wheel, too.
This process is really easy, and all you need is probably in your pantry right now. Here is the recipe…
I would definitely recommend mixing this in a container that has some height to it as the mixture will bubble and fizz once you add the vinegar.
But of course, that is fun. : )
You will want to mix your colors in soon after you pour the mixture into your ice cube tray or paint palette. The paint will dry fast! If your mixture gets hard too quickly, you can always add a drop or two of vinegar to make it liquefy again.
It gets really fun when you start mixing colors and experimenting a little.
After you mix your paints and you have the colors you want, you can let it harden for a couple of days and use a wet paintbrush to paint later, or you can just jump right in like we did.
This is such a fun, easy project that easily takes up an afternoon! Perfect for lazy summer days.
One more thing…
It seems fitting to take a moment and dedicate this post to a special reader and supporter of this blog who lost her battle with perineal cancer a few days ago. She would often send me little emails about what she liked that I had written, or she would inquire about a home decor item a friend was looking for. She handled her four month long illness with dignity, and she leaves on this earth her husband, two sons, daughter in law, grandson, and grandbaby on the way. She gave her children and family a happy life, and though death brings sadness, we take comfort that she is in a better place, her body restored. You will be missed, Shelley.
* Special thanks to Anna Barron for the photos of the kids and I. *
Posted at 09:18h, 15 JulyTwo lefties huh? Milla’s a lefty too. Miss you my friend! Love your blog!
Posted at 09:42h, 15 JulyHi Ashlee, so good to hear from you! I would love to see you sometime! I actually have three lefties. The baby switches hands a bit still, but she prefers her left hand. Isn’t that crazy that three out of four of them are that way? Lefties supposedly use their brains better, so there ya go.
xo, G
Posted at 09:33h, 15 JulyThis post was beautiful to read. Love your photos. Sounds like Shelly was a special lady, I think i’ve seen her comment before. Sorry for her family’s loss.
Posted at 09:44h, 15 JulyThanks Sarah. She was. Thanks for the comment on the photos, I am improving.
(I think, ha) G
Kelly KV
Posted at 09:40h, 15 JulyThank you G. Shelley would have loved this post and kept it so she could make paints with our kiddos! I appreciate your words. Love you, friend.
Posted at 09:45h, 15 JulyKK, I thought she would have liked this, too. Love you.
Art supplies Melbourne
Posted at 02:54h, 13 NovemberNice post! The photos are really pretty. Kids look so interested in these art projects.