01 Oct DIY Halloween Costume: Muscleman Barbell
Meet my Muscleman. Yes, this is my child that was holding up his head the day he was born, crawling at five months, and running at eight months. He has always been full of life and zest and energy, and yes, muscles. So when we saw the Pottery Barn Kids Muscleman costume, we knew it was perfect for him.
Of course, no muscleman becomes a muscleman without lifting iron, right? So I got to work creating the perfect barbell. Gather a few items, and you will be ready to start crafting!
A quick visit to my local craft store was all I needed to gather my materials.
You will need:
* 2 eight inch styrofoam balls
* 1/2″ wood dowel
* black spray paint – mine was glossy (do yourself a favor and buy the big can – I had to get more)
* scissors
* white felt
1. Mark your dowel six inches in with a marker. Push the dowel into the center of the styrofoam ball until you reach your mark.
2. Take the dowel out and cover it in hot glue. Insert the dowel back into the the styrofoam ball and add some hot glue near the entry. This just helps give the dowel a little more security.
3. Spray paint your barbell black and leave to dry for a couple of hours. It took a couple of coats for me to completely cover my barbell.
4. For the numbers, I simply used a ballpoint pen to draw them on the piece of white felt. Then I used my scissors to cut them out. The hand-drawn, not-so-perfect look goes with the “gag” costume accessory theme.
I made my barbell 1000 pounds, but you can do any number, of course.
5. Put hot glue on the back of your numbers to attach them to the barbell.
And then you are done!
Muscleman, although he is only five, is very strong and has lots of hills. (that’s what my kids call muscles)
He lifts weights, runs fast as the wind, and even saves princesses. (it’s all in a day’s work)
I can hardly keep track of him! (kind of true)
Muscleman is a tough guy.
And also a sweetie.
Pottery Barn Kids is a great source for kids Halloween costumes. They really are very well made, I have been impressed with all of them! (for the Muscleman costume, the cape is gorgeous ON BOTH SIDES, and the muscles are really padded!) And right now, their their treat bags are 20-40% off, plus FREE shipping!
Hope you are enjoying DIY Halloween costume week! See my DIY butterfly headband here, plus my monogram pirate patch tutorial here. And if you missed yesterday’s Butterfly Fairy DIY Costume, click here.
Thank you to Pottery Barn Kids for sponsoring this post.
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