09 Jan Campaign Hardware Moves to Kitchens and Bathrooms
You might think campaign furniture is trendy, but really, it has been around since at least the time of Julius Caesar. It is most often associated with British military officers in the 18th century, who frequently traveled with high quality portable furniture. It was designed to be easily transportable; therefore, a typical chest would break down into a few pieces. When the destination was reached, the furniture would be put together. Because officers of high position in Britain would just not be able to be without the luxuries of home on the road, campaign furniture was the perfect crossover of the luxuries of home and the practicality of travel. Inset handles, brass corners to protect from bumps, and typically made of a durable wood such as teak or mahogany, campaign furniture was a staple for many years.
With the arrival of the motor car, traveling with loads of cargo went out of vogue, and the demand for campaign furniture changed. However, it has never really gone out of style, and ebbs and flows in popularity. A resurgence of interest in this type of furniture occurred in the 1960’s and 1970’s, and there is most assuredly a revamped desire for campaign furniture in recent years. Kristen and I can hardly keep it for more than a few days when we list it, and it is harder and harder to find.
Most often, you see campaign hardware gracing chests and desks and other case goods. These pieces look gorgeous painted in any color. Recently, I saw a piece that was left a gray, raw wood color, and it was perfection. My own living room houses a campaign chest, see the photo below. Maybe you wouldn’t think of putting a chest of drawers like this in a living room, but it has been soooo practical for us. It houses light bulbs, linens, and trays.
In the last few years, I have been seeing campaign hardware more and more in bathrooms and kitchens. I love brass so I think it looks terrific, and there is something so beautifully aged about the campaign hardware look.
What do you think of campaign hardware in a kitchen?
Or in a bathroom?
What are your thoughts? Would you like campaign hardware in your kitchen or bathroom? Do you have any elsewhere?
Posted at 13:23h, 14 SeptemberI love campaign style furnishings and I would use it anywhere. I’m really excited that you posted the link to the hardware resource. I have been eyeing those IKEA hacks lately where you add campaign hardware. Now all I need to do is find a place to put it…
Posted at 11:34h, 15 SeptemberThanks Alena! I’m so glad this was helpful for you! I’d love to see a photo when you are done with your project! 🙂 G