08 Mar Breaking the Rules: Oversized Chandeliers
Frequently, I get asked about the rules for lighting fixtures. How big should they be? How tall should they be? Of course, you can use the age-old equation:
Measure the length and width of the room and add those figures together. (if your room is 12’3″, just round up to 13′)
The sum of those numbers, converted to inches, will equal the diameter you can use when selecting the size of your chandelier.
Example: 13’+15’=28′ Converted to inches=28″
Correct Size Chandelier=28″ diameter
This equation is all fine and dandy until you happen upon something like this.
And BAM! The rules go flying out the window, fireworks go off, and you get all jumpy and happy inside. I CAN DO WHATEVER I WANT?! WHATEVER I LIKE?! The possibilities!



marie christine design


marie claire maison

I’m not sure this is a home, but it’s interesting nonetheless.



little green notebook

house beautiful
I love this one – it is just so fresh!

Cottage Living

architectural digest
What do you guys think? Are you liking the oversized look? Or is it a little loud for you?
Have a great weekend! xo
Posted at 08:39h, 08 MarchAs soon as I saw the title of this post I instantly thought of Jenny’s dining room, so happy you’ve included it. I die over her chandelier. All of these others are great inspiration too!
Posted at 07:26h, 11 MarchHi Tiffany, I know, right? I love her chandelier, too. G
Caroline @ The Home Depot
Posted at 09:17h, 08 MarchThe second to last image is Lee Klenihelter’s home photographed for Cottage Living! One of my favorite spreads ever. Her whole house is just insane!!
Posted at 07:27h, 11 MarchHi Caroline! Thank you so much! I LOVE when readers help me source images! I will have to go look that up – that photo is one of my new favorites. Thank you so much for your comment! G
Posted at 09:38h, 08 MarchI actually just did a post on my blog the other day about chandeliers! My take was a little different (more ‘keeping’ with the rules than breaking them) but I absolutely LOVE these images! Great post! You can check out mine here:
Posted at 07:27h, 11 MarchThank you, Susan! Great link!
Posted at 11:14h, 08 MarchFor some reason I get a real Mad Hatter vibe from missized dining room furniture
Posted at 07:28h, 11 MarchMad hatter vibe? I’m in! xoxo, G