
my design projects, inspirations, & a few personal tidbits

Here you will find what inspires me, and a peek into how I pull spaces together – the good, the bad, and the sometimes ugly mishaps along the way. I sprinkle in a little family life, travel, food, fashion, and party events, too.

diy watercolor paint Something you may not know about me is that I used to be teacher, a teacher of the Deaf.  I taught children ranging in age from pre-K to high school for a few years, and then I became a language therapist working with families of hearing impaired babies ages 0-3 in their homes.  I loved my students and families and still remember them fondly - I often sign things in my head when I am talking, it just comes naturally after awhile.  Teaching the Deaf is a very visual and expressive experience, so I think my love of color and styling really helped with that. While I was going through some old boxes recently, I found some of my teaching materials and this paint recipe, and it inspired the theme for my Home Depot Challenge this year.  I knew my kids would really enjoy making the paint and mixing the colors.  I took advantage of this project to teach them about the color wheel, too. This process is really easy, and all you need is probably in your pantry right now.  Here is the recipe...

I almost feel silly writing about my flower wall, because let's face it, a monkey could do this DIY, but it is fun and colorful,...

diy turquoise bead chandelier

I am so excited to finally share this tutorial with you - a tutorial that sprouted in my brain nearly a year ago, as I was walking through World Market.

I spotted this wood bead chandelier, [caption id="attachment_8764" align="aligncenter" width="504"]world market world market[/caption] and instantly, I saw this. [caption id="attachment_8765" align="aligncenter" width="319"]robin degroot robin degroot[/caption]   I have loved that Majorie Skouras chandelier for years, and the semi-precious stones on it are beautiful.  Of course, it is also $4800.  (as it should be because it is amazing and spectacular)  So my wheels started turning, and I went up to the cash register, plopped down my 40% off coupon and was promptly told this chandelier was backordered.  I still placed my order and was told it would be a few weeks.  Those weeks turned into months, MONTHS, and finally, I got a call that it was here.  It was great timing too because I wanted to do a piece of lighting over the table in my Home Depot Patio Challenge that was really special.

My porch revamp is LIVE!! Click here to check it out, plus check back tomorrow for the DIY Turquoise Chandelier that has been in the works...