November 3, 2014
Last week, I told you about the
guest room/office makeover happening at my house right now. I thought I would show you some before photos and the best part, the progress photos. There has been quite a change in that room these past weeks!
The palette of the space was inspired by the hallway in author Edith Wharton's home, The Mount, her gorgeous home and gardens in Lenox, Massachusetts.
You can read more about this here.
This photo has been stuck in my head since I visited there five years ago with my husband.

When I am trying to visualize a space and come up with a design, I sit in it and stare. I wish I drew more, and I do dabble in it, but I do better if I just look at the space - to get a feel for it...dare I let it talk to me a little bit?
Our guest room/office has the most natural light in the house - two full walls of windows. Since we moved here three years ago, this room has been the guest room/nursery, and then when I moved the girls to the same room, the catch all for other rooms that have been under construction. I would say it has been full of castoffs from other spaces a good year.
In this before photo, you can see the previous striped walls.