30 Jul Bless Our Home
Looking back at some photos yesterday, I realized I never posted about something we did as a family in our new addition. I think any time you move into a home, or build a home, of course, you want your family to be happy there, to be safe, to be healthy. Home blessings are an ancient tradition performed throughout the world by those who consider themselves spiritual and those in organized religions. Purely symbolic, it is simply an outpouring of what you hope for your family and your life there.
Gathering choruses, poems, and verses that were meaningful to me, I wrote them all over the wood frame and floor of our addition. Each word transmitting a hope, each line transferring a special meaning for us.
Of course, we wanted to involve the kids. It was a great way to show them and talk with them about what we are striving for as parents, and as a family. I wrote down some characteristics on a piece of paper for them to copy down. {pardon the swimsuits, this is pretty much their outfit of choice in the summer}
They also had fun drawing some pictures. This is supposed to be our family.
You can find lots of house blessings online, but I particularly like this Irish blessing which I wrote on the top beam in the addition.
I had never heard of the Catholic home blessings until I was looking for inspiration, but I really like how they have blessings for each room. The physical act of writing these words was a nice refresher and a good reminder of our purpose as a family.
Does anyone else feel like they need a reset button every once in awhile?
I think every family has hopes and dreams and goals and intentions, but unfortunately, real life gets in the way. It can be so easy to forget the big picture amongst mistakes and unforeseen issues and changes. I was so touched by the simple pictures the kids drew when I told them to draw whatever came into their minds – our family, trees, ice cream, lots of smiling faces. Such pure thoughts. I was a little sad to see their illustrations being slowly covered, but I will always know they are there.
May you have a happy day, keeping sight of the big picture.
Leigh in Houston
Posted at 08:04h, 30 JulyI did the same thing when we built our house 6 years ago. Our kiddos are now 20,18, 15&12. We’ll have 2 in college and 2 at home. It goes by fast!
Posted at 09:07h, 30 JulyLeigh, I know! My husband and I were talking just last night about how we can’t believe our oldest will be in kinder next year. It’s so sad…as much as we try to focus on this time and enjoying it and soaking them in, I worry that we are missing it a little? I’m sure every parent feels this way. There’s never enough time, and a house cannot run itself. I will miss these baby days, although I know there’s still lots of fun ahead.
Thanks for sharing! G
Posted at 08:57h, 30 JulyA really lovely thing to do as a family – thank you for sharing!
Posted at 09:07h, 30 JulyThanks Erin!
Heather McGinnis
Posted at 12:32h, 30 JulyI love this idea! We did something similar at church when we were building a new sanctuary.
Posted at 16:41h, 30 JulyOh cool, Heather!
Posted at 14:04h, 30 JulyGrace, I love this. Thanks for the link to the home blessings!
Posted at 16:42h, 30 JulyThanks Josie! Enjoy!
Sarah Garner
Posted at 23:46h, 30 JulyI have a friend who just did this when they remodeled recently! Love the idea of your house being “founded” on scripture.
Posted at 17:11h, 31 JulyThese particular scriptures are especially meaningful to me also. It’s a blessing to see them in your house and on your blog.