Posted at 06:00h
How To,
Welcome to another Friday "Pinterest Taught Me How To"! There is some good good stuff in here today! Natural body tips, a recipe, organizational skills, and more!
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i heart organizing[/caption]
How To Organize For Back To School - Well, the big news in the Mitchell household is that in a few short days (Tuesday to be exact), we will officially have a kindergartner. (
tear tears) He is thrilled as can be, and I am excited for him, but at the same time, it is the end of an era. The era of all of my babies at home. School year or no school year has never really made much of a difference in my life, but I'm sure that is all about to change. My four year old who loves his five year old brother with all of his heart cried in the car to me yesterday, "But Mom, I am going to miss him so much! He is my very, very best friend!" I cried with him, too. However, as I have gathered uniforms and a back pack and a lunch box, I have researched all things school organization. I jumped onto the bento lunch box train and purchased silicone cups in fun colors, decorative picks for fruit and veggie kabobs, and cute post-its for little lunch notes from Mommy. The baskets for dry goods and refrigerated goods (think quick lunch packing!)
via Jen of iheartorganizing are genius, as well as this:
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i heart organizing[/caption]
Hello! YES!! Let's make this whole uniform thing as easy on my little guy as possible, right? Plus it helps me make sure I am keeping up fast enough with laundry.
Well done, Jen.
This next one is a terrific "how-to" for something I feel like we spend oodles of money on, and shouldn't.