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charlotte moss[/caption]
I've been thinking quite a bit lately about the evolution of style - how some elements will always be stylish and beautiful, and others make us cringe twenty years later. (or sooner) All of these deep thoughts began while opening a large box of vintage hats I bought off of Ebay (more to come on that).
In recent years, I have been drawn to rooms with pattern on pattern...meaning the wallpaper and curtain fabric are the same pattern, or the same fabric is used to upholster all of the pieces in a room. There is something decidedly elegant about this design scheme, and though I have never done this in a space, I think my home is ready for a splash of it. Stay tuned...
When thinking about who ushered in this way of placing patterns on top of each other, I first thought of Elsie DeWolfe, infamous American designer of the early twentieth century.

See how the fabric is the same here?