30 Apr Art For The Master Bathroom
If you follow me on Instagram, you caught the sneak peek of the gorgeous art in my nearly done Master Bathroom. It was painted by my dear friend, Kristen Dowd, who creates these beautiful abstracts. (she does custom work, too!)
I always oooh and aaaah over the work Kristen posts, but this particular painting really spoke to me. It has so much emotion in it. I think if I were to give advice on art, I would say to choose what moves you. If you see a piece of art that stirs something in you, go for it. Art is so personal, and the couple of pieces I have are ones that struck me immediately.
How awesome is my view from the tub going to be?
I know people often get up in arms about art in the bathroom, but after having a conversation with an art preservation specialist at a local museum, I feel great about it. He basically said he would not put a 500 year old masterpiece in a bathroom, but today’s oils and acrylics can withstand the small amount of condensation a shower puts out. Now if you have a steam shower, this changes the game a bit, and he said you may need to rethink art in the bathroom at all.
This art piece will be set apart from the shower too, and since it is not right next to it, I feel even better about putting it in our bathroom. Plus once I got the painting into the house, I tried it in several different places and loved them all, but the bathroom spot was perfect.
I also pulled some other bathroom art photos for inspiration. You’ll notice these bathrooms have mostly white walls (like mine) with one central art piece or a cool collection.
And if you are awesome and have a great sense of humor, you could pull this off.

painting, kristen dowd, 2kilians
For more of Kristen’s work, follow her here.
I wrote about art for my kids bathroom here.
Emily Clark
Posted at 14:07h, 30 AprilI love it already! The art, the sconce! It all makes me want to use lots of exclamation points!!! Ha 🙂
Posted at 17:28h, 30 AprilHi Emily, yay for exclamation points!!!!! 🙂 Thanks so much, I am pretty pumped about it. And all will hear when I am taking my first real soak with the door locked and no kids in sight. 🙂 What will I do when we are not sharing the five foot bathroom with all four of them??
PS – wish I lived closer so I could visit your booth. It’s looking awesome. xo
Posted at 14:18h, 30 AprilIt’s gorgeous and perfect in this spot! I want art in my new bathroom, but we will have the steam shower issue. Not that a steam shower is a bad thing!!! Ha!
Posted at 17:30h, 30 AprilHey Emily, no, the steam shower is awesome, and we really considered one! I actually think you could do art that is well sealed behind glass. I just don’t know if I would do a painting. Thanks for reading so faithfully. xo
Elizabeth @ The Little Black Door
Posted at 15:09h, 30 AprilThe art is amazing and is right on par with all of the other awesome that is your bathroom. 🙂
Posted at 17:35h, 30 AprilElizabeth, thanks so much! We are getting shower glass tomorrow morning so I am pumped!
PS – can’t wait to see the results of your one room challenge. You will rock it, I am sure!
Readers, you should check it out.
Frances @ Improvement List
Posted at 19:39h, 30 AprilAbsolutely beautiful piece! Glad you found the perfect spot for it. And I agree art is such a personal preference. You just have to go with what speaks to you!
Posted at 12:48h, 05 MayThanks Frances! It did speak to me, and I do love it! Thanks for reading. xo, G
Posted at 19:52h, 04 MayNormally your taste is amazing but that painting is so, so bad. It’s the equivalent of buying framed “art” from Hobby Lobby. I guess some people just can’t tell the difference between real art and sad craft projects.
Posted at 12:53h, 05 MayHey Becca, thanks so much for your comment and for reading. Like I said before, I think art is very personal, and I happen to love the color combo, and it simply spoke to me. Plus the artist is a friend of mine, so there is that sentiment. I laughed at the Hobby Lobby comparison, as this is infinitely more beautiful in my opinion and done by an actual person versus a machine, but I also understand that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 🙂 G