30 Jan Alt SLC 2013
Altitude Design Summit is basically the blogging mecca of the universe. No really. It attracts bloggers of all kinds and genres, and when the big Salt Lake City conference happens each year, it is super surreal to look around at all of the talent in the room.
It is held at the gorgeous five star Grand America hotel, truly one of the most beautiful hotels I have seen in quite awhile.
I mean, this was my room. The most basic of all the rooms, and it looked like this!
Pretty nice, eh?
The view from my hotel room was simply stunning.
Architecturally, the Grand America has many beautiful details to take in.
Can you believe the fretwork on this molding?!
Of course, as much as I loved staring at all of the pretty around me, I was there for one reason – to learn!
Yes, I am kinda sorta Type A and always sit in the front row. But there was sooo much information to glean, I wanted to make sure I took it all in.
My favorite panel of the entire conference (because it was full of the most specific information) was the one pictured below. From left to right, my sweet friend Jenny of Little Green Notebook, Merrilee Lilliard of MerMag, fellow Texan Camille of Camille Styles, and the amazingly creative and talented Annie Selke, the mastermind of Annie Selke Home, Dash & Albert, and Pine Cone Hill.
The ever lovely Darcy Miller, Editorial Director of Martha Stewart Weddings spoke at a session and gave us all Dean & Deluca dark chocolate candy bars! (She and I speak the same language.)
Another highlight was getting to hear Heather Armstrong of Dooce.com, Emily Henderson (she was there with her sidekick, Orlando, and is darling in person) who has her own show on HGTV, Secrets from a Stylist, and also blogs here, and Maxwell Ryan, founder and editor of Apartment Therapy.
This pretty lady was there, too. The very warm and softspoken in real life, Jessica Alba, blogs for and runs The Honest Company, a one-stop source for non-toxic baby products.
Of course, it was not all work and no play. Every night, there were parties with varied themes – the detail would blow your mind! The Clue Party was my favorite! Each Alt attendee was to choose a Clue character and dress from head to toe in that character’s hue: Mrs. Peacock – Blue, Mr. Green – Green, Mrs. White – White, Colonel Mustard – Mustard, Professor Plum – Plum, Miss Scarlett – Red. The ballroom was set up in different rooms – the parlor, the library, etc. – and each partygoer traveled from room to room for different goodies and delicious food. It was tons of fun! Jenny and I both chose Green.
I bought that skirt at an estate sale two years ago, and it has been sitting patiently in my closet. It moves beautifully, and I felt great in it; I will definitely be wearing it more!
The displays at the conference were so well done,
and it was so fun to see everyone’s business cards. (By the way, mine were designed by the crazy talented Kat Phillips of TheGrayAttic.com.)
Jordan of Oh Happy Day and I got the giggles at the last session. I don’t know her super well, but it is kind of strange when a photographer is clicking away right in front of you. (thanks Justin!)
Here are a few of my Instagrams from the trip. Do you follow me? I’d love it if you would! (You can follow me by clicking the link below or following me @AStoriedStyle)
Dinner Menu from the Better Homes & Gardens dinner – by the way, the staff at BHG is incredible! Seriously, they are all so lovely and genuinely interested in what their readers want and need. Love them!
Tiny thimble-size Bonne Maman preserves! Do you remember this post? I sadly didn’t get any of the preserves, but I did manage to bring home a tiny little honey jar!
Delicious room service!
View from the window of the Grand America. Love the red berries against the snow!
Even though I got stranded there due to the crazy blizzard they were having, I had such a wonderful time! I learned SO much, got to meet with some amazing people, and was able to spend time with some of my favorite blogging friends! Can’t wait until Alt NYC in June!
Thank you so so much to everyone who participated in the survey I posted yesterday. I’m going to go ahead and leave it up for another day or so, so if you haven’t taken it yet, please take the one to two minutes it requires to complete. It will help me immensely as I plan for the future! Please let me know what I can do to make AStoriedStyle.com better for you!
Posted at 12:23h, 30 JanuaryGlad to hear it was exciting and invigorating. I work in a totally different field (research), but always come home from conferences re-energized and rarin’ to go. Thanks for sharing!
Posted at 14:10h, 31 JanuaryHi Erin, that is exactly right! Of course, that means I have way too much information traveling through my head, it’s a bit like “conference hangover”. 🙂 But I loved the experience! I so appreciate your comment! G